Athanasii Kircheri e Soc. Jesu China monumentis : qv ̉sacris qu ̉profanis, nec non variis naturae & artis spectaculis, aliarumque rerum memorabilium argumentis illustrata, auspiciis Leopoldi Primi Roman. Imper. semper Augusti munificentissimi mecaenatis.

This work, by Kircher's regular Amsterdam publishers, represents the 1st edition of his "China Illustrata" in Latin. A subsequent unauthorized edition, in a slightly smaller format but with the same text and with artfully copied engravings, was published by Amsterdam printer Jacob van...


第一著者: Kircher, Athanasius, 1602-1680
その他の著者: Meurs, Jacob van, 1619-1680 (出版者)
フォーマット: 図書
出版事項: Amstelodami : Apud Joannem Janssonium ̉Waesberge & Elizeum Weyerstraet, Anno cIc Icc lxvii [1667]
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