A treatise tending to mitigation tovvards Catholicke-subiectes in England. : VVherin is declared, that it is not impossible for subiects of different religion, (especially Catholickes and Protestantes) to liue togeather in dutifull obedience and subiection, vnder the gouernment of His Maiesty of Great Britany. Against the seditious wrytings of Thomas Morton minister, & some others to the contrary ... /

Detaylı Bibliyografya
Yazar: Parsons, Robert, 1546-1610
Diğer Yazarlar: Bellet, Francois, fl. 1603-1609 (Yazıcı)
Materyal Türü: Kitap
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi: [St. Omer : F. Bellet], 1607.
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