The power of silence : against the dictatorship of noise /

In a time when technology penetrates our lives in so many ways and materialism exerts such a powerful influence over us, Cardinal Robert Sarah presents a bold book about the strength of silence. The modern world generates so much noise, he says, that seeking moments of silence has become both harder...

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Wedi'i Gadw mewn:
Manylion Llyfryddiaeth
Awduron Eraill: Diat, Nicolas (Cyfwelydd), Miller, Michael J. (Translator) (Cyfieithydd)
Fformat: Llyfr
Cyhoeddwyd: San Francisco : Ignatius Press, [2017]
Tagiau: Ychwanegu Tag
Dim Tagiau, Byddwch y cyntaf i dagio'r cofnod hwn!

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