
[Joint committee on the conscientious objector of the Peace section of the American Friends service committee and the Women's international league for peace and freedom] & Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. (1940). What about the conscientious objector?: A supplement to the Pacifist handbook. Peace section, American Friends service committee.


[Joint committee on the conscientious objector of the Peace section of the American Friends service committee and the Women's international league for peace and freedom] , Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. What About the Conscientious Objector?: A Supplement to the Pacifist Handbook. [Philadelphia: Peace section, American Friends service committee, 1940.


[Joint committee on the conscientious objector of the Peace section of the American Friends service committee and the Women's international league for peace and freedom] , Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. What About the Conscientious Objector?: A Supplement to the Pacifist Handbook. Peace section, American Friends service committee, 1940.

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