The lytvrgie of the masse. Wherein are treated three principal pointes of faith. 1. That in the Sacrament of the Eucharist are truly and really contained the body and bloud of Christ. 2. That the masse is a true and proper sacrifice of the body and bloud of Christ, offered to God by preistes. 3. That Communion of the Eucharist to the laity under one kind is lawful. The ceremonies also of the masse now used in the Catholicke Church, are al of them deriued from the primitiue church.

第一著者: Anderton, James, active 1624
その他の著者: Anderton, Lawrence, 1577-1643
フォーマット: 図書
出版事項: Printed at Colen : [] 1620.
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配架場所: Hesburgh Libraries, University of Notre Dame
請求記号: BX 2230 An24L