APA (7 वां संस्करण) प्रशस्ति पत्र

Murphy. Dean Lawrence F. Ferring of the College of Pharmacy is Presented a Mortar and Pestle by Mr. Lloyd L. Herrington of Rexall Drug Company.

शिकागो शैली (17वां संस्करण) प्रशस्ति पत्र

Murphy. Dean Lawrence F. Ferring of the College of Pharmacy Is Presented a Mortar and Pestle by Mr. Lloyd L. Herrington of Rexall Drug Company.

एमएलए (8वां संस्करण) प्रशस्ति पत्र

Murphy. Dean Lawrence F. Ferring of the College of Pharmacy Is Presented a Mortar and Pestle by Mr. Lloyd L. Herrington of Rexall Drug Company.

चेतावनी: ये उद्धरण हमेशा 100% सटीक नहीं हो सकते हैं.